Insult to Injury

So Ellen isn’t even on, it is the French Open. Someone out there really has it in for me today.

Insanity Run Amuck

We are in day 4 of A has a rash that may or may not be the chickenpox land, and it is not going well. It is cold, it is raining, and we started our day at oh, about 3:30am. It is only 10:30, and I am done. Done done done. So done that when M called to chat as he was early to a meeting several states away and was bored, I completely lost it.

I am very unclear as to how I am to fill our day. A is prone on the floor crying hysterically about 9/10ths of the time as she has been up since 3:30am and I am NOT reinstituting the morning nap, and C is ripping toys from her right and left. I am almost at the point that I am going to lock everyone in the playroom and put on some Mommy TV as I just want to throw something through a window. Perhaps a little Ellen will make it all better….

The Time A had the strange rash

I love my daughter dearly but have decided that she does not do illness well. For the first 6 months of her life, she had nary a sniffle, cough, or fever. I applauded myself for having such a healthy child. Big mistake, as soon after it all went wrong.

Her first cold turned into a sinus infection. Her first cough turned into pneumonia. Her first tummy bug almost landed her in the hospital for dehydration. Now she has a bizarre rash that may or may not be hives, may or may not be a really bad reaction to the chicken pox vaccine, or may or may not be a random virus of some other unknown variety. The Dr. is unwilling to commit.

So I am stuck with a child with a rash/pox/hives that appears and disappears with the drop of a hat, a fever that similarly comes and goes, and not a clue when I can take her out into the world again.

I figured this was as good a time as any to return to blogging and try to find the humor in it all.

Humor, where are you?